Karl Urban Still Set on a Dredd Sequel, Now Wants to Make it a Prequel

One day, Dredd will get the sequel it so obviously deserves. Maybe not in the next few years. Or even in the next decade. But if it takes a creaky, sixty-year old Karl Urban shooting home movies with stolen props, we’ll get that sequel, something a small group of pious Judge Dredd fanatics have been clamoring for since before the first one was even in theaters.

Fanning the flames this time, is Urban himself. Shallowgraves.org asked the actor about Dredd 2 (and the possibility of seeing Dark Judges in a sequel) and, lo and behold, actually got a response:

Dredd“Why yes, there is a definite possibility. But, it is more likely that we will do the origins story with Dredd trekking through the cursed earth to find the first Chief Judge Fargo.”

In case you’re unaware, Chief Judge Fargo is the original Judge that Dredd was cloned from.

Does this mean Dredd 2 is happening for real? Nope. But it does mean that Urban still carries a torch for the surliest hero in comics, and that he’s our one source of hope that Dredd 2 might actually get off the ground.

And if not, an elderly home movie Dredd might not be that bad. Right?

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