Know Before You Go!

The biggest weapon that an adversary may have against you is your IGNORANCE. We are all ignorant in one way, shape, or form but that is ok when our ignorance doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. For example, I’m ignorant to all things physics related, other than gravity I have no concept of physics; don’t want to know and really don’t need to know because it’s not going to affect my life’s path. However, when it comes to voting we can’t afford to be ignorant, we need to know exactly what the rules and regulations are.

Since the Bush V. Gore election in 2000 and the Florida controversy,  there have been many things that have been changed concerning voter laws, the main one being voter identification. States have tried (with some succeeding) to enact a law that requires every voter to have a valid photo ID before they will be allowed to vote. Politicians and state law makers are saying photo ID is needed to protect against voter fraud. I’m just going to keep it real and call it voter suppression! The reason I call it voter suppression is because the states that have passed this new law have republican governors, and this law mostly affects democratic leaning voters. It has long been known that elderly people, minorities, young  and poor people don’t have the means necessary to obtain a photo ID, whether that be no birth certificate, transportation, or the funds, for whatever reason these demographics don’t have what is now needed to vote; because of this, state legislatures are coming up with fixes to imaginary problems.

I could understand if voter fraud was running rampant in American society but it’s not. I could understand if a close election was given to the wrong candidate because voters posed as other people and voted more than once, but it wasn’t. According to, between 2000-2007 there were 32,299 UFO sightings in the US, 352 deaths caused by lightning, but only 9 cases of voter impersonation, it’s five years later and that fraud claim still doesn’t hold water. I have to laugh when I read these statistics because you’re more likely to see a UFO, or get struck by lightning, than to see someone commit voter fraud.  Nevertheless, these laws are very real and people need to contact their states Secretary of State office to find out exactly what kind of identification they will need to place their vote. Along with knowing what identification you will need, everybody must know where to go.

People, open your mail! I know we all get junk mail and sometimes it looks like those little post cards you might get from the publishing clearing house. However, some peoples polling places are changing, mail is being sent out to let you know, but it’s disguised as junk mail in the hopes you won’t read it. If you go to the wrong polling place, they are banking on the fact that either you don’t have transportation or are just too lazy or tired to go to a different place and stand in line all over again to vote. DON’T FALL FOR IT!

Learn the tricks the enemy might be trying to use against you. Don’t be IGNORANT! KNOW BEFORE YOU GO!

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