ROMNEY VS OBAMA: The Haves VS. The Have Not’s!

It’s been four years since history was made and the U.S. elected our first black president; people were filled with hope and excitement because they were able to witness something they thought they would never see in their lifetime. Fast forward to 2012 and the Big voting season has come again, and now that the novelty and new car smell has worn off is there still enough excitement in the air for people to go vote again?

This election year is more important than the last because it is a battle between the haves and the have not’s. In the blue corner is the incumbent, Barack Obama advocate for the middle to lower class promising to keep tax cuts for families making less than 250k a year.  In the red corner is Mitt Romney, staunch defender of the wealthy and top 2% of America, promising to keep the Bush era tax cuts in place for millionaires and billionaires.

All Smiles right now


There are plenty of people on both sides of the isle and the color line for that matter who are not happy with the president because they feel like he has not done enough to get America back on track after the collapse of the economy and the housing market. However, I believe these people are not giving enough credit to the things he was able to accomplish, despite fierce resistance from the GOP led House of Representatives and congress as a whole.  

In 2008 Mr. Obama promised to overhaul the health care system, he’s done that,  and whether you agree with the changes or not is irrelevant because he never promised that you would like the overhaul. He also promised to bring Osama Bin Laden to justice and he’s done that. Albeit with the help of seal team six, that launched a sneak attack so smooth that even Sun Tzu would be proud.  He also promised to turn around the economy, and even though it is getting better, this issue along with the budget deficit (which I will blog more about at a different date) is where Mr. Obama takes most of his criticism. The president inherited an unemployment rate at 7.8% that rose to 10.0 percent within his first year in office, it is now down to 8.3% according to the U.S bureau of labor statics , but people are still upset because this economic turnaround was supposed to happen overnight.

One more Term!

On to the red corner.  From what we know, Mitt Romney has done a very good job of taking over companies and turning a profit no matter what he had to do, Bain Capital comes to mind.  Lay people off, ship jobs overseas, and taking advantage of tax loopholes. Criticize his tactics if you choose to but the truth of the matter is Mr. Romney is very adept at making money. Also, depending on which article you read he may or may not have created jobs and boosted the economy while governor of Massachusetts. Mr. Romney is very proud of his business background as he should be, but he loses credibility when he refuses to release more than two years of his tax returns. As inquisitive as Americans are, we hesitate to put somebody in office that we don’t fully trust, and not releasing tax returns says that Mr. Romney has something to hide.

The bottom line is this, do your research, pick a corner and get out to vote! Whether you’re a have or have not, your future and your children’s future depend on it.


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  1. Infinite7154 says:

    Please go out and vote people! It is your right, your responsibility. All convicted felons: as long as you are not ON PAROLE, YOU CAN VOTE! Go register online, at the DMV or the DSS office, get registered and exercise your right to vote.

  2. John says:

    Dr. King new this was the root of our problems in America before the development of the Poor People’s Campaign began. At the root of this problem is an ideology by the wealthy that goes something like this, “what’s mine, is mine; and what’s your’s is mine basically because if it weren’t for me and those like me, you wouldn’t have your’s.”

    Dr. King looked at the matter from the disparity towards the source. Obama seems to be trying to expose the source by showing it to us and asking questions to the American people like, “what is that”, “where did it come from”, “who’s responsible for it being here”, “and how do we fix it”. He seems to want us to find the answers without his leading a march so to speak against established capitalistic ideals, the basic principle behind the American economy. For that I commend him. The economy isn’t the Presidents to repair or rebuild. It is the responsibility of every American, regardless of ethnicity, financial position, education or physical ability. We are here for one another and what’s bad for one, is probably bad for us all. American entrepreneurs probably will reinvest more heavily under a Romney administration, but not because of Gov. Romney or the tax breaks for the wealthy. It’ll be because the wealthy will be back in charge at the expense of the sweat and toil of those Americans that largely make an annual salary under $75k and the working poor. It means more to the wealthy to be “in charge” or in control more than earning 20% on their investment.

    If our administration changes, and it’s ours, the message from Washington about the fault of the problems Americans face will have nothing to do with greed, but will be cloaked as the fault of how little Americans know or understand about how governments and economies work. Into this will be injected how wasteful we are, how much racism plays a role in our problems, etc. the focus will be off greed.

  3. John says:

    I agree with the previous comment, “VOTE”! It’s the only real voice you have.