It Takes Three

I remember growing up as a child and wanting something so badly that I would play one parent against the other. If my mom said no, I would go to my father and ask him in hopes that I would get a yes, and vice versa. However, I didn’t realize that if the two were to talk to each other, I couldn’t do anything until they both came to a consensus one way or the other. This my friends is how our government works.

People are quick to say the President didn’t do this or didn’t do that but what they don’t understand is the President can’t do anything without the other two branches of government. Our democracy is set up with a balance of power system. First, there is the Legislative branch which votes on a bill (Congress), followed by the Executive branch (President) which signs off or vetoes the bill, if the President signs off on the bill it then becomes law. Finally the Judicial branch (Supreme Court), which makes sure the laws that have been signed are in fact constitutional and legal. All three of those branches have to be involved before progress on anything can be made.

The problem we now have is Mom, the Legislative branch and Dad the Executive branch hate each other and can’t come to a consensus on anything so nothing gets done. The new health care law (“Obamacare”) was able to get passed because at that time mom and dad were on speaking terms and somewhat liked each other so were able to come to a compromise and the Supreme Court said that it was in fact legal so a law it became. The jobs bill did not get passed because dad proposed it and now mom wants a divorce so she is not going to do anything to help dad even if it’s in the best interest of the children (The American People). The system is never going to work until we the American people vote for parents that are so much in love that they will back each other no matter what. Unfortunately, if that were to happen it would mean that there is an overwhelming majority of one party or the other making and signing the laws;  which only implements one set of ideas and ideologies.  Progress only comes with compromise and since the two parties will not compromise with each other one party has to be made so insignificant that it doesn’t matter how they vote, they will never win.

In this election, you must pick a side whether it be democrat or republican and vote exclusively along those lines. Americans are upset at the President and congress and complain about things not getting done, but we are the ones putting these people in office. We need to recognize the power we have and make the people on Capitol Hill understand that if they don’t do what’s best for us they will be out of a job like hundreds of thousands of other Americans. It’s our choice, we can be sheep being led to the slaughter or we can be shepherds leading our sheep in the way we need them to go!

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  1. Infinite7154 says:

    The sooner the American people understand that everyone has to work together, the sooner the American people stop pointing fingers and the President and look at the whole picture. Or maybe it’s just that much easier to blame him for all our problems, regardless of the fact that they were problems before he got elected.

  2. Reality35 says:

    Kudos to you Lingo!!!
    This is a very powerful blog.
    Its gives those that don’t know how the system is run, so much insight. While there are several constitutional rights that have been honorable and helped along the way, being able to vote is one of the most greatest rights we have. (besides the 13th amendment that is.)
    By voting, it helps you to decide your own future by electing a person who you feel have the same values as you or close to it. Electing that person can be a reflection of your own views. This is why it is so important for us to share with our youth the importance of VOTING.
    Our political activist, Al sharpton a couple of months ago was on the BET Award’12. He was honered that night for his dedication to improving the rights of African-Americans. During his speech he had a message for all of us…
    and I quote …
    “There’s all type of schemes, vote ID, to try and stop US from VOTING.”
    ” Let me tell you, there are people that want to take away OUR rights. People that wanna change medicaid and Medicare. Some arguing back and forth about the president…I support and love the president but whatever you do VOTE!!! Because this election is not just about Obama; this is about your but momma… and we better vote or they are gonna take that all of that from US.”
    Its funny because during the awards that night, I was off and on Facebook. and of course like other shows people always put posts on there page updating and commenting on what they just saw. I saw possibly all of ten post from people that mentioned what Rev. Al Sharpton said. smh. Its very sad that they rather post about what Nicki Minaj got on etc. Then to take heed post about the message he delivered.
    But with positive people like you Lingo. I’m sure slowly but surely we will all get the message out to our African american youth and others out here that VOTING it important.
    Wow, I absolutly love this blog.

  3. Lance Wingo says:

    Thanks for the Kudos Reality35, glad you enjoyed the blog. what you say is so true, it’s time for the youth and every other american to stand up and take the power into their own hands. As much blood, sweat, and tears went into getting African Americans the right to vote, it’s a shame that not enough people exercise that right. It’s funny what you say about the state laws that are going into effect basically trying to suppress voters rights because that is what the next blog will be about. Stay tuned. Please tell everyone you know that you think can benefit from this blog to check it out, and keep your comments coming.